Unique dance medal featuring popular purple & pink colours - with gold star design accents. Extra special medal - the 'Word' medal is different from most traditional dance medals. Medal ribbons available in all colours and medal boxes to suit.
Colour painted medal with space for a 25mm insert - choose from our vast range of activity inserts or consider any custom insert. Must arrange insert separately to the medal. Medal ribbons available...
Wayfare Medals offer an affordable range of stylish star-inspired medals for different sports & activities. Dance medal features a vibrant design of a silhouette dancer against a multi star...
Gold medals present a fun and generic design for your dancers. The design features glitter ball background, star trim and the word dance occupying a central position. Medal ribbons available in all...
Wayfare Medals offer an affordable range of stylish star-inspired medals for different sports & activities. Dance medal features a vibrant design of a silhouette dancer against a multi star...
Economic series of medals to suit your budget requirements - the 3D Medal series presents excellently designed medals with high relief and detail to represent your sport or activity. Dance theme...